Leave a gift in your Will



Leave a gift in your Will.

Secure your legacy of human rights.

Together we will continue to stand with humanity.

By making a Will and pledging a gift to Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand, you can play a crucial role in advancing justice, freedom and equality.

You can leave a lasting impact on the world by ensuring the protection of human rights for generations to come.

Why pledge a gift to Amnesty International in your Will?

As you reflect on the legacy you wish to leave behind, consider the enduring power of your commitment to human rights.

By pledging a gift in your Will to Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand, you're investing in a future where every individual's rights are upheld and respected.

"Amnesty International is needed as never before. This is one of the best investments we can make in our grandkids’ future.”

Mr C Simpson & Ms V Williams

"We have a responsibility to not pass on a world that’s falling apart. This is a cause that has been an important part of my life. I want it to live on beyond my lifetime.

Rosslyn Noonan

The process

Making a Will and pledging a gift to Amnesty International New Zealand is simple and impactful:

  • Consult a professional: Seek advice from a legal professional or estate planner to create or update your Will, ensuring your intentions are accurately reflected.
  • Include Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand: Choose to leave a specific sum, a percentage of your estate, or a particular asset to support our vital work.
  • Tell us: Let us know about your decision. We'd love to express our gratitude and ensure your intentions are respected.

Ways to pledge

You have options when it comes to pledging a gift:

  • Residuary gift: Leave a portion of your estate after loved ones have been provided for.
  • Pecuniary gift: Designate a specific amount of money.
  • Specific gift: Donate a particular asset, such as property or stocks.

Create your Will online

Remembering Amnesty in your Will is a very personal decision, but it's one that carries great hope. It's an act that expresses what you believe in, and one that will help ensure a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand is proud to have partnered with Gathered Here, a trusted, safe and easy to use Will writing platform.

Thanks to this partnership, Amnesty supporters are invited to write their Will.

  • Fast - takes less than 10 minutes
  • Free - absolutely no cost
  • Easy - simply print and sign

Your impact in action:

Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand has a proud history of championing human rights. With your support, we can continue to:

  • Advocate for justice: Fight against unlawful detention, unfair trials and the death penalty.
  • Protect freedom of expression: Stand up for journalists, activists and individuals who risk their lives to speak out.
  • Combat discrimination: Tackle systemic issues, including gender-based violence, racial injustice, climate justice and more.

Join us today

Your commitment to human rights can transcend generations.

By making a Will and pledging a gift, you solidify your legacy as a defender of justice.

Please contact Jasmine Etuata to learn more about how you can secure a future where human rights flourish.


Amnesty International New Zealand recommends seeking professional legal advice when making or updating your Will. The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes and should not be considered legal advice.

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness

Peter Benenson, Founder of Amnesty International
