Amnesty International in Aotearoa New Zealand
Amnesty International is a movement of more than 10 million people in over 150 countries. Our section here in Aotearoa New Zealand works with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region. We are a democratic movement, and accountable to our members and stakeholders.
Each national section of the movement meets every year and invites its members to be engaged in discussions on the strategy and direction of the organisation. Members elect a Board, and may submit resolutions to vote upon and adopt. Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand is led by both the Board and a Senior Leadership Team headed by our Executive Director.

The Global Assembly and International Board
The Global Assembly (GA) is the highest decision-making body of the movement. Held every year, it allows representatives from Amnesty International sections worldwide to vote on the movement's direction.
A key purpose of the GA is the election of the International Board. This is a group of eight members who work together to govern the movement between GA meetings.

Our Secretary General and International Secretariat
Our International Secretariat actions the decisions made at the GA and oversees the day to day operations of the global organisation. This includes providing research and campaign direction to sections around the world.
The Secretariat gives us the majority of our research. It issues our urgent actions and sets international campaign strategies. These are then translated into an Aotearoa New Zealand context.
The International Secretariat is headed by our Secretary General, who is appointed by the International Board. The Secretary General conducts the day-to-day international affairs of Amnesty International.