We’re looking for rangatahi to lead the way.
We are searching for passionate individuals and groups based in Aotearoa under the age of 25. You could get $4500 to make your human rights vision a reality.
Applications have now closed and the winners will be announced in December!

Turn your passion into action!
Do you already have an idea and just need funding to pull it off or make it bigger and better? Or is there a issue or idea that you're passionate about?
Whether your idea centers on indigenous rights, climate justice, gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, or any other human rights issues, this is your chance to receive up to $4500 to make it happen.
It could be a creative project, a video series or podcast, workshops, an exhibition, event, magazine, or a social media campaign. We’re looking for creativity. We’re looking for positive impact. We’re looking for manaakitanga.
So get your friends and whānau together and start brainstorming.
Who can apply?
Any group or individual under the age of 25 who are living in Aotearoa New Zealand. You or everyone in your team must be no older than 24 at the time of application.
Team applications will need a key contact person.
How do I apply?
In order to make the process as accessible as possible there are three submission methods you can use:
- Written
- Video
- Visual / Slides
What does my submission need to include?
Written Submission Guidelines
Video Submission Guidelines
Visual / Slides Submission Guidelines
How does the Application Process work?
- Complete the application form - before 31 October.
- After applications close all eligible applicants will be reviewed by a shortlisting panel - and the panel will decide on 3-5 applicants to interview.
- Successful shortlisted applicants are interviewed by a judging panel (on and off line options)
- Winner is chosen and funds are delivered.
What type of ideas, projects & initiatives are you looking for?
Anything that could have a positive impact on human rights in Aotearoa or around the world. We’re looking for creativity. We’re looking for positive impact. We’re looking for manaakitanga.
Stuck? Below is some inspiration to get you started:
Types of projects / Ideas
- Create a podcast
- Starting a collaborative magazine
- A social media campaign
- Make a digital comic or graphic novel series
- Theatre performances
- Deliver training workshops
- Create an art installation
- Hold a youth focused conference
- Put on an exhibition
- Do a billboard or poster campaign
+ More!
Human Rights Areas
- Climate Justice
- LGBTQIA+ Rights
- Racial Equality and Anti-Discrimination
- Gender Equality and Women's Rights
- Indigenous Rights
- Disability Rights and Inclusion
- Refugee and Migrant Rights
- Access to Education and Literacy
- Right to Health and Healthcare Access
- Child Rights and Protection
- Ending the death penalty
+ More!
Meet Previous Winners

GARY WARE 1938 - 2018
Gary was a passionate human rights advocate who inspired young people to get involved during his decades-long support of Amnesty International.
A lover of music, Gary organised many concerts and events to raise awareness and funds for human rights.
He served multiple terms on the Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand Board, helping our section to become a campaigning force domestically and a strong contributor to the movement globally.
In addition, Gary was Co-leader of the Amnesty International Tauranga Moana Group, which over the years wrote thousands of letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience. A highlight was when the group received a personal response from Chelsea Manning when she was released from prison in the United States.'

Young people around the world are showing that they have the knowledge, the vision, the organising skills, the creativity and the determination to be a major part of the transformation of our societies. Greta Thunberg and the School Strike 4 Climate movement aren’t the first, but they’re a tremendously inspiring example of youth power.
It’s only right that young people have a real say in the move towards a more fair and sustainable world where everyone, no matter what their background, can live a life of dignity. That’s why Amnesty International and the Ware family are providing this opportunity for young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. We believe in you.
"Gary was part of the Amnesty International Tauranga group for four decades. Nothing was too small or too great for him. He is missed and we are deeply grateful to Gary and the Ware family for gifting this award. It’s humbling coming from a family full of rights advocates steeped in NZ history. This award offers a powerful youth empowerment opportunity in New Zealand. And it shows just how meaningful a single bequest can be. This really is a beautiful lasting legacy of Gary’s life."
Margaret Taylor, Community Manager at Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand