Rita Karasartova has been acquitted!



Rita Karasartova, a human rights defender in Kyrgyzstan, was facing 15 years in prison for peacefully protesting. Thanks to your support, Rita has been acquitted, along with at least 22 other defendants. The pressure from caring people like you was quick, it was strong, and it worked. Ka pai!

Justice for human rights defenders is not negotiable.

The acquittal of Rita Karasartova and the other defendants is a significant victory for justice and human rights in Kyrgyzstan. They should never have been charged in the first place for peacefully exercising their human rights.

Around the world, the Amnesty International movement spoke out.

Thank you to everyone who supported Rita’s cause and signed the petition. We will continue to shine a light on injustice, call on governments to uphold human rights, and ensure that activists can freely exercise their rights without fear of retaliation.

Let’s celebrate this win as a source of hope and courage as we continue the fight for human rights worldwide. There are still many who face persecution for standing up for what is right. We must stay informed, continue to advocate, and support those who bravely resist oppression.

Together, we can create a world where human rights are respected and protected for all.