From wins in advancing equality, to stories of resilience and progress, there’s so much to celebrate!
Amidst the injustices that seem to surround us, it’s easy to overlook our victories and lose sight of our progress, but when we come together, our collective efforts truly make a difference.
So, let’s delve into those moments of triumph and achievement, and check out some amazing wins over the last 6 months.
Take care – this blog contains mentions of sexual violence and other violations of human rights that may be distressing.

Towards the end of 2023, Dr. Daouda Diallo, a human rights defender in Burkina Faso, was abducted by security forces. In response, people worldwide came together with Amnesty International, sending letters and taking action to demand his release. And it worked! Dr. Diallo was released in March, demonstrating the immense power of people coming together.
Dr. Diallo sent a heartfelt message of gratitude to Amnesty International and all those who supported him:
“I would like to thank Amnesty International and all those who mobilised and called for my release. These appeals were a light in the solitude of my ordeal and a reminder that I was not alone. Today I am delighted to be back home with my family.”

Somali journalist Mohamed Ibahim Osman Bulbul was granted bail one day after Amnesty International issued an Urgent Action calling for his release. He had been arrested for simply doing his job and reporting on the misuse of funds.
Mohamed sent a message of thanks to the Amnesty International community who took action for him and demanded his release.
“Amnesty’s Urgent Action has really played a huge role in ensuring that I gained my freedom. I am deeply touched by your solidarity.”
Want to take action for people like Mohamed? Join a group of compassionate people answering the call to response immediately to people facing human rights abuses.

📍 Italy
In 2017, Italian authorities began investigations into crew members of the NGO ship Iuventa, which was involved in search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean. The crew, who saved 14,000 lives, faced charges of facilitating immigration to Italy from Libya. If convicted, they could have faced up to 20 years in prison.
Amnesty International advocated for the crew’s exoneration and launched a worldwide solidarity campaign calling on the Italian prosecutor to drop the investigation.
In April, the crew members of the Iuventa were finally acquitted after the seven-year ordeal.
Amnesty International’s Regional Researcher, Elisa De Pieri, said:
“The Iuventa ship has saved more than 14,000 lives, including children, and its crew has done so upholding the law of the sea. We urge authorities to stop misusing criminal proceedings and charges of facilitation of irregular migration to obstruct life-saving activities.”

A group of more than 2,500 older Swiss women argued that their government’s failure to act on climate change put them at greater risk of death from heatwaves. The court found that Switzerland is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights for failing its duties to combat climate change.
This ruling sends a powerful message to decision makers that states they must do more to combat climate change.

The Congress of Argentina has approved the Olimpia Law to stop gender-based violence online and hold offenders accountable.
Together with activists, Amnesty International Argentina has been calling for this law to be passed for years, having released research revealing that one in three women in Argentina have faced online violence. Olimpia, the law’s namesake, and a survivor of sexual violence shared her story with Amnesty International Argentina.
“I am a survivor of sexual violence. I was on the verge of suicide. I felt guilty but my mother supported me.”
This law aims to create a safe digital space for women and girls.

📍 Netherlands
The Netherlands now recognises sex without consent as rape. This is a really crucial step towards improving access to justice for survivors and addressing the widespread issue of sexual violence. This win comes after years of advocacy by activists and survivor groups.

After a lengthy legal battle over three years, and tens of thousands of Amnesty International supporters signing petitions on her behalf – Vanessa Cortés was recently cleared of all charges of defamation for speaking out about Andorra’s strict abortion laws at a UN meeting in 2019. This win reaffirms the essential right to freedom of expression and acknowledges Vanessa’s vital work in advocating for women’s rights and challenging discriminatory practices.

Polish lawmakers have approved four amendments to Poland’s abortion laws in a first reading in parliament, a significant step towards ending strict abortion restrictions. Poland’s current laws endanger lives and violate human rights obligations, so Amnesty International celebrates this encouraging development.
Miko Czerwiński, Amnesty International Poland’s Head of Campaigns, said:
“Poland needs to urgently amend their abortion law… It is crucial that politicians listen to the voices of civil society and those people directly affected by the near total ban on abortion and bring the law into compliance with international human rights standards.”

Dominica’s High Court has overturned their law that criminalised same-sex relations. LGBTQIA+ activists have called this decision “a significant milestone in the ongoing struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights in the Caribbean”. Dominica is one of several Caribbean nations that have, in recent years, discarded the ban of same-sex acts. Human rights LGBTQ NGO, Outright International, said:
“Decriminalisation helps create an environment where LGBTQ individuals can live openly without fear of persecution, enabling them to access health care, education, and employment without facing discrimination.”
This is an encouraging step towards safeguarding LGBTQIA+ people’s rights worldwide.

📍 Greece
Greece has proudly become the 36th country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage! Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted:
“This is a milestone for human rights, reflecting today’s Greece – a progressive, and democratic country, passionately committed to European values.”

In October 2023, Amnesty International released “Don't Worry, It's a Branch of Amazon”, a report which outlines how workers hired by Amazon in Saudi Arabia were tricked by recruiters, cheated out of pay, housed in inhumane conditions, and kept from finding other jobs or leaving the country. The report reveals that Amazon failed to prevent these human rights abuses, even after workers complained about their mistreatment.
Amazon has now reimbursed more than 700 workers from its Saudi Arabia operations.
“Ámazon’s reimbursement of unlawful recruitment fees is a vital step towards providing remedy for hundreds of migrant workers who suffered a range of severe labour abuses while contracted to the company in Saudi Arabia.”– Steve Cockburn, Amnesty International’s Head of Economic and Social Justice.
Despite Zimbabwe’s last execution being committed in 2005, death sentences have continued to be handed down. Zimbabwe’s Cabinet has supported the move to abolish the death penalty entirely, which makes it almost certain that the Bill will be passed by Parliament. This will make life imprisonment the maximum sentence.
“Zimbabwe has taken the right step towards ending this abhorrent and inhuman form of punishment that has no place in our world.”– Khanyo Farisè, Amnesty International East and Southern Africa Deputy Regional Director.
Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception as it violates the right to life as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Rocky Myers was sentenced to death in Alabama despite a lack of concrete evidence linking him to the scene. Adding to this injustice, Rocky has intellectual disabilities which have seriously impacted his ability to appeal his conviction. These challenges were exacerbated by the abrupt abandonment of his court-appointed lawyer.
Amnesty International is urging Governor Kay Ivey of Alabama to commute Rocky’s unjust death sentence and stop this violation of human rights.
Rocky struggles to read but loves thinking of travel. Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand supporters created postcards of their favourite places and sent them to Rocky alongside messages of hope and aroha.
Here are some of our community’s beautiful postcards, and our Senior Campaigner David sending them to Rocky.

Thank you!
Together, we’ve sparked real change and brought hope to countless lives.