Incitement to hatred legislation must remain a priority

woman sits at table with laptop

Media Statement

8 February 2023

Incitement to hatred legislation must remain a priority

In response to the news that the New Zealand Government has withdrawn the Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill and referred the matter to the Law Commission, Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand Campaigns Director Lisa Woods says:

“We are deeply disappointed and frustrated that the Government is taking so long to strengthen the country’s legislation against incitement to hatred. Incitement to hatred is a deeply damaging type of speech that can both result in physical harm and have a silencing effect. The fear for one’s safety, or that of a loved one, can create enormous distress and anxiety. When individuals and groups are prevented from safely going about their lives, when people cannot safely stand up for their rights and interests, the chilling impact cannot be overstated.

“This work must be progressed with urgency, and we want to see the Government take action as a priority.”

Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand’s submission on the the Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill is available online here.