In response to Prime Minister Ardern’s announcement today that New Zealand’s refugee quota would be lifted to 1500 people per year by July 2020, Meg de Ronde, Campaigns Director for Amnesty International said,
“When I think about all the people who are languishing in limbo around the world, this is wonderful news. Freedom and the ability to rebuild their lives is all they want, just like you and I would if we had to flee war, violence or extreme persecution. And now 500 more of them will be welcomed here per year. It’s fantastic."
When I think about all the people who are languishing in limbo around the world, this is wonderful news.
“The situation globally is urgent and it’s a shame this is going to take nearly two more years to take effect, but it’s cause for celebration that New Zealand is heading in the direction of compassion."
“Keep in mind that even after raising the refugee quota to 1500 people per year, New Zealand will still be far behind much of the rest of the developed world in terms of refugees per capita. This does not make us a leader, or even a fast follower. But massive numbers of New Zealanders stood up over the past few years to say we can and must do more…and politicians have listened.
“Amnesty International also knows there must be additional pathways to safety for refugees. And that’s why New Zealand’s small pilot programme of community sponsorship of refugees is so important. If the Government decides next year to continue the programme, it will run alongside the quota system, opening the doors for more people in need, while giving communities across New Zealand the chance to do something really tangible by taking the lead in sponsoring refugee families.”