Meet The Board
Our Board is made up of experienced people who are passionate about leading Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand. Meet our current members.
Sara Lindsay, Chair, she/her
Sara is an authentic leader whose values strongly align with Amnesty International and can be summarised with – he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. She is Group General Manager Commercial and Corporate at Waka Kotahi.

Nirupa George, Deputy Chair, she/her
Nirupa is currently the Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at SkyCity Entertainment Group. Prior to this, she was the Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Auckland. She started her career as a refugee lawyer in Auckland.

Gregory McNeil, Deputy Chair, he/him
Gregory is a construction and infrastructure professional with experience in Aotearoa and the UK. He holds an executive MBA from the University of Auckland Business school and is currently the General Manager at Green Way Ltd.

Gill Greer CBE, MNZM, PhD, D.Lit, Board Member, she/her
Gill Greer is a former CEO and Board member of NZ and international organisations. She has advocated for human rights in a range of local and global settings, including the UN, European, Pacific and NZ Parliamentary groups, Assembly of the African Union, as well as with community organisations.

Raina Kereama, Board Treasurer, she/her
Raina is Manager Financial Planning & Policy at Wellington City Council. She has whakapapa in Manawatū and is of Ngāti Raukawa descent. She brings comprehensive finance and accounting skills that are invaluable to Amnesty International. Raina is a Member of the NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Charlie Matthews, Youth Co-opted Board Member, he/him
Charlie is studying Law and Economics at the University of Auckland with modules in Chinese. He is passionate about youth engagement and is excited to implement what he has learned to further Amnesty International’s human rights mahi.

Louisa Murray, Board Member, she/her/ia
Louisa works for the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and is a Director for her own company, Whiringa, focusing on technological innovation and excellence. She is wahine Māori, second-generation Chinese New Zealander and speaks te reo Māori. She has a strong commitment to community.

Joshua Taefu, Youth Co-opted Board Member, he/him
Joshua is a student studying Law, Economics and Mathematics at the University of Auckland. He is passionate about not only learning, but applying this knowledge to the benefit of communities around him.

More About Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
We are a democratic movement, accountable to our members and stakeholders.
The Senior Leadership Team are proud to lead a community of staff and supporters who are passionate about protecting and promoting human rights.
Together, we act in solidarity and compassion with people everywhere, connected in our shared humanity.
Our funding comes from people across Aotearoa New Zealand who believe a better world is possible.